Congenital Disorders of Lungs: How to Identify at Early Stages

Congenital Disorders of Lungs: How to Identify at Early Stages

Congenital Lung disorders or masses that usually develop on the lungs at the early stage of birth. The most frequent congenital lung disorders include severe lung agenesis-hypoplasia (pulmonary underdevelopment), congenital pulmonary airway malformations, congenital lobar overinflation, bronchial atresia, bronchogenic cysts, congenital highway obstruction syndrome, scimitar syndrome, and bronchopulmonary sequestration which need a definite need of best pulmonologist doctor in Hyderabad.

Sai Sanjeevani Hospital is the renowned multispeciality hospital in Hyderabad which offers types of treatment including Emergency critical care, Gastroenterology, Neurosurgery, Nephrology, Joint replacement care, General surgery, etc. At Sai sanjeevani Hospital, we have prominent lung specialist doctors in Hyderabad who have immense expertise in treating distinct congenital lung disorders.

What are Congenital Lung Disorders?

Congenital disorders of the lungs, also known as cystic lung disease or congenital lung defects, occur while a baby is still in the womb of the mother. In prenatal ultrasound, most congenital lung disorders are discovered. Some congenital lung disorders are diagnosed before birth, while some can be identified while they are getting aged.

Causes of Congenital Disorders:

Genetic or environmental causes or a combination of multifactorial congenital disabilities causes most of the congenital disabilities for infants. The causes of Congenital Lung disorder include

Chromosomal defects: These are caused by a few or more chromosomes or problems in the structure of the chromosomes, such as Down syndrome and an extra copy of chromosome 21 and sex chromosome abnormalities.
Single gene defects: A mutation in one gene causes these causes the defect
Dominant inheritance: These are caused by when one parent passes along a single faulty gene, such as achondroplasia and Marfan syndrome.
Recessive inheritance: These are caused by both parents passing the gene for the disease to the child who does not have the disease.

Generally, there four types of Congenital Lung Disorders which include:

Bronchogenic cysts: These types of cysts usually develop on the esophagus or trachea, and in some cases, these may be found on the lower lobes of the lung. If they become infectious or develop too large, they may damage the airways of the lungs.

Congenital cystic: CCAM is also known as congenital pulmonary airway malformations CPAM in which baby lung tissue exceeds its normal growth. These malformations may be single or several. These may cause cysts and masses filled with fluid in the lungs. These may also prevent the normal development of air sacs or alveoli in the lungs.

Lobar emphysema: Lobar emphysema is a rare, severe condition that can disrupt the airways of an infant by blocking airflow during respiration. It may result in the lung lobes being overinflated.

Pulmonary sequestrations: During this condition, several tissues will develop internal or external areas in the lungs, which are not connected to the pulmonary blood supply. These may be intralobar sequestration or extra lobar sequestration.

How to Identify Congenital Lung Disorders at Early stages?

Congenital lung disorders can be identified with high-resolution ultrasonography as early as 16 weeks in pregnancy. When an abnormal mass is seen within the lungs of the developing fetus, then the Congenital lung disorder stage is confirmed.

The growth of congenital lung disorders may vary depending on the size and severity of the tissue developed in the lungs. That is why our prenatal management of babies with congenital lung disorders centers on monitoring your baby frequently by using several different techniques such as high-resolution ultrasound, fetal echocardiography, and MRI. These testing techniques will help to identify lung deformities at an early stage itself.

Generally, two general patterns are observable in prenatal congenital lung disorders. Nearly two-thirds of these lesions undergo a rate of growth from 18 to 26 weeks gestation accompanied by a stoppage in development, often with shrinkage after 30 weeks.

The other one third is stable in size and appears to shrink through pregnancy later on. A small number of fetuses with congenital lung disorders can grow rapidly over 18-26 weeks; these are the potentially symptomatic lesions that need to be monitored even more closely and may require fetal intervention.


Recognizing the Congenital lung Disorders of lungs at an early stage is necessary and can be achieved with the experienced neonatologist and pediatric surgeons. During regular, high-resolution prenatal ultrasonography, congenital lung defects are observed more often. It is necessary for prenatal counseling and appropriate pre and postnatal management to recognize the imaging features of these abnormalities.

Treat all Congenital lung disorders with the best pulmonologist in Hyderabad from Sai Sanjeevani Hospital. We have immense expertise in treating all pre and postnatal lung abnormalities at an early stage with proper medical care and advanced treatment.

Contact the best lung specialist in Hyderabad from Sai sanjeevani Hospital now @